Sunday, October 25, 2009

Proposal concerning "the Proposal"

I watched the proposal for a girls night activity this weekend and thought it was pretty hilarious. I do however want to propose that a couple scenes be shortened or cut out. I luckily had a friend there who had seen it before to help me know when to "avert my eyes", but it was still pretty easy to know what was going on. I felt like the scenes were unnecessary or could have at least been shorter and still got the point across. We were talking about the naked scene on our way out of the theater after the movie got out and thinking how many film people saw the completely nude bodies of these two disturbing! I guess if you get paid enough money people will do almost anything. Anyway, the friend who edited it for me saw it on a first date a couple weeks ago and her date walked out because it was so awkward. what would you have done or at least felt you should do in that situation?


  1. I was really disappointed about those scenes as well. I'm really good at covering my eyes for stuff (I really see violence because my eyes are ALWAYS covered), but now I'm thinking maybe that's not enough. If I have to cover my eyes should I even bother with the movie?
    In answer to your dilemma above, first of all I think seeing a movie on a first date is lame (not a good way to get to know the person), but I really admire people who will stand up that way. I also think that some people are too conservative and miss out on great things (not talking about the Proposal), so it's up to you to keep close to the Spirit and follow how you feel.

  2. ditto on the nude scene..sooooo disturbing and awkward :/ i thought that movie would have been absolutely adorable if that scene had been completely cut out ugh. loved the message of the movie, the love story but honestly? i hate how the world feels they have to throw random crap like that in a movie because it would have been better, and not have messed up the storyline at all, if the scene was missing

    ps i felt like i should have walked out of that movie but will admit that i didn't :/ i admire people with the courage and control to do that.

  3. I was shocked by a few of those scenes, as well. I had to cover my eyes and I can't help but wonder if I should've walked out. And what really bothered me was that it seemed innocent in the previews (maybe I just assumed that she was in a towel or something) and it was actually this long, drawn-out scene that was completely unnecessary to the plot. It still could've been a great, unique chick-flick without that (and without the stripper).
