Sunday, September 27, 2009

My neice uses more media than me...

I noticed this week that I was so busy that I didn't even watch a movie, which is a big deal because we usually watch at least 2 every week. Anyway, I listened to some music online and used facebook, but nothing interesting happened with that. Anyway, my little seven year old neice watches between 1-3 hours of tv each day, and she has her music on while she gets ready each morning before school, that alone is more than I've done this week. Then I realized that she has watched a movie almost every other day and even in her van as we drove around today. This little girl is surrounded by media at every turn and I can tell it is effecting her expectations about life. She whined incessantly about having to find something to do on her own today since she had watched all the sunday movies in the house. She could not find a way to entertain herself because she is so used to being constantly bombarded with media which gives her things to do. I have also noticed how mature the material of her tv shows and music is for a seven year old girl and realized that my parents would have never let me see anything like that back in the day. If she is like this growing up in a good LDS home with "moderate" media use, what are all those American children like who watch whatever they want, whenever they want for hours upon hours? Are parent's standards slowly lowering because the "good choices" of media are gradually getting worse and thats the best they can find?

1 comment:

  1. I would guess this is really common in most LDS households! Crazy, huh?
